Learn the Law

Read our Autoimmune Facts Sheet to learn more about how this issue silently impacts millions of Americans. Then you should read our proposal in order to know what we support and why we support it. 

Once you have done that, tell others you know in the community about this new proposal to help expand the rights of sick workers!

In addition, get in touch with your representative by following the instructions you see on the right. 

Change the Law

Use this website to find out who your Member of Congress is and how to get in contact with them. After that it's easy: call them or email them letting them know you support the Autoimmune Protection Act!

If you are a citizen of Washington D.C. use this link to find your city councilmember.

For Maryland citizens, contact your representative about the Employee Autoimmune Disorder Protection Act. Locate your representative here.

Sign our Petition

If you have not done so already, sign our petition in favor of passing the Autoimmune Protection Act, and its sister bill in Maryland, the EADPA! 

In addition, if you want to really make a difference sign up for our petition drives! These are a great way to not only get more names on our petition -- but also to get more people involved in the fight for the autoimmune and immunocompromised communities.

College students deserve to feel safe and included on campus -- regardless of their diagnosis.

Every year, thousands of college students suffer from autoimmune diseases in silence. Unclean buildings can pose an invisible threat to these students -- making them sick and causing them to live in fear on their own campus. To make matters worse, many immunocompromised students are unable to get an effective education remotely due to poor remote learning standards. Their grades drop as a result of their diagnosis; often forcing them to drop out in the name of their health. 

Double U Triple A's Autoimmune Rights Campus Initiative seeks to change that. We want to empower every student with a safe, clean, and inclusive educational environment. As a campus ambassador, you will create change by:

  • Advocate for disabled students and faculty on campus to make sure everyone is free to learn or teach in a way that keeps them safe and healthy. No one deserves to drop out of college because of an illness they can’t control.

  • Coordinate with local and federal advocacy groups to build a coalition of disability groups supporting our movement. The more like-minded groups we can partner with, the more likely we are to change federal law and finally protect the millions of Americans suffering in silence from an autoimmune disease.

  • Create and maintain a social media movement on their campus to raise awareness about this invisible issue impacting the lives of over 23 million Americans.