Join clinical social worker Ashley Yodkovik and award-winning political consultant Emmanuel Sessegnon as they explore fun topics like depression, politics, and living with a disease that has no cure and could maybe possibly kill you. We talk with experts, talk about the news, and talk about whatever Ashley is thinking about at the moment.

Our podcast, Chronic Convos, is dedicated to sharing stories, giving advice, and providing humor all along the way.

Philadelphia native Emmanuel Sessegnon is the President of the Workers with Autoimmune Ailments Alliance. His main job is crafting legislation like the Autoimmune Protection Act and presenting it to state and federal lawmakers to improve the lives of the autoimmune community. This is made easy by his past career as a political consultant; where he won the Pollie award in 2023 for his political ads.

Sessegnon brings his insider knowledge of politics and his humorous but slightly cynical takes on current events to Chronic Convos.

Hailing from the Los Angeles area, Ashley Yodkovik’s autoimmune diagnosis started in 2014 and has been ongoing ever since. As the WAAA’s Awareness Director, Ashley heads up all of our efforts in, you guessed it, raising awareness about the issues that impact people with autoimmune diseases and other immune system ailments.

She brings a whopping 16 years of experience as a clinical social worker, in addition to her unrelenting friendliness, to Chronic Convos. She is a natural at diving deep into interviews and learning everything she can about our guests.