Change the Law

The Americans with Disabilities Act was a good start, but the autoimmune community demands action to help protect those with autoimmune diseases from being discriminated against and mistreated in the workplace, at school, and in the doctor’s office.

Advocates focusing on our policy efforts will:

  • Help us craft legislative initiatives that will protect the health, dignity, and lives of people with immune system diseases.

  • Contact their local and state representatives about bills like the Autoimmune Protection Act, which seeks to strengthen the right to work from home for the autoimmune.

  • Spread the word about our legislation, both proposed legislation and active bills.

  • Lobby in person with other advocates on special lobbying days, where we show the world how many people are willing to fight for our bills.

Raise Money

Our legislative initiatives, podcast, and awareness initiatives have one big thing in common: they all cost money. Advocates play a key role in making sure the Workers with Autoimmune Ailments Alliance has the proper funding to keep advocating for the autoimmune and raising awareness.

Fundraising advocates help us raise funds by:

  • Launching personal social media campaigns to let your network of followers know this is a cause you support — and that they should support too.

  • Fundraising in person with other advocates in areas with high foot traffic.

  • Help us make calls and send emails to the thousands of potential donors waiting to hear from us.

Raise Awareness

As an awareness advocate, you would help us spread the word about the struggles of people with autoimmune diseases. With few Americans even knowing what an autoimmune disease is, the autoimmune community needs as much awareness as possible.

Advocates will help us raise awareness by:

  • Sharing your chronic illness story with our followers and members.

  • Create content for social media discussing our cause, legislative initiatives, fundraising events, etc.

  • Assist with promoting our documentary Invisible No More to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

  • Recruit social media influencers to spread the word about the Double U Triple A.

  • Helping us plan awareness initiatives that will bring our cause to the forefront of public discourse.

Build Coalitions

The more support we have, the easier it is to raise awareness, advocate for legislation, and fight against stigma and discrimination against those with immune system illnesses.

Coalition advocates will help us build a team of organization dedicated to our cause by:

  • Connecting with other advocacy groups that you already know to help us get our foot in the door.

  • Calling and emailing other advocacy groups in order to get in touch with them about forming an alliance to support a particular initiative, bill, etc.

  • Attend events on behalf of the organization in order to increase our presence in the disability rights community and meet fellow activists.