What is the Workers with Autoimmune Ailments Alliance?

May 1st, 2024

By Jasmin Garcia

Welcome to the Autoimmune News Network, the blog of the Double U Triple Awhere we champion the rights and dignity of over 23 million people facing autoimmune disorders, immunodeficiency viruses, and other immune system-related illnesses in everyday life, workplaces, and on college campuses. 

Our mission is clear: no worker or student should have to sacrifice their livelihood, dignity, or educational pursuits due to health challenges they did not choose. Yet, the reality for many living with autoimmune conditions is marked by obstacles, discrimination, and a lack of understanding throughout their lives. 

In the professional sphere, workers with autoimmune disorders often encounter a multitude of challenges, from employers' ignorance of their unique needs to a lack of accommodations that could help them thrive while managing their health which is why we started our Workers for Autoimmune Ailments Alliance. Similarly, college students grappling with autoimmune diseases face barriers to their academic success, safety, and social inclusion which is why we are pushing for the College Safety Act and Immunocompromised Parent Protection Act to be passed.

How can you help the Double U Triple A Team?

Help us Get our Legislative Initiatives Passes

Here at the Workers with Autoimmune Ailments Alliance The Autoimmune Protection Act has one goal: giving workers with immune system disorders the ability to work from home safely and have easier access to accommodations in the workplace. Sign our petition today and promote it to your social media and inner network! 

The Immunocompromised Parent Protection Act is another legislative proposal of ours. If passed,this law would give parents with immune system disorders the ability to receive accommodations from schools. Including increased access to remote learning that will help them stay safe and educate their children.

Our common-sense legislation needs all the support it can get — expanding the legal rights of the autoimmune will take work and determination.

Join Our WAAA's Advocacy Program

You can also join our advocacy program. As an advocate, you would help us spread the word about the struggles of people with autoimmune diseases. With few Americans even knowing what an autoimmune disease is, the autoimmune community needs as much awareness as possible. Help us craft legislative initiatives & reach out to your local & state representatives who will protect the health, dignity, and lives of people with immune system diseases.

Our legislative initiatives, podcast, and awareness initiatives have one big thing in common: they all cost money. Advocates play a key role in making sure the Workers with Autoimmune Ailments Alliance has the proper funding to keep advocating for the autoimmune and raising awareness.

Listen to our Awareness and News Podcast: Chronic Convos

You can also join clinical social worker Ashley Yodkovik and award-winning political consultant Emmanuel Sessegnon as they talk to medical experts, talk about the news, and chat about whatever they have on their mind that week. Catch a new podcast every Friday on Spotify & YouTube. 

A future where every individual, worker, and student, regardless of their health status, can pursue their career, and educational aspirations without fear of discrimination or exclusion. Join us in our advocacy efforts today!

Jasmin Garcia

A proud Denver resident, Jasmin is a devoted health enthusiast, a relentless mental health advocate, a survivor of a mass shooting, and a resilient being who faces the profound journey of grief with courage and grace.


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